About me
I'm a Ph.D. student currently studying at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), supervised by Prof. Pan Hui, and working in his leading lab mc2
I also received my Bachelor's Degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), with double major in Mathematics and Computer Science.
My Research Interests
Multi-modal Machine Learning
Aims at integrating different modality representation to deep learning model.
Representation Learning
Aims at learning the low-dimensional vector representation of complex real-world data.
Aims at integrating AI to enhance AR/VR application performance.
Real-time Communication
Aims at enhancing current Real-time commpunication protocol, with integrating AI.
Implement Fixed-Foveated Video Encoder to enhance the smoothness and user experience of VR Cloud Gaming. Accepted by CCF-C Class Conference MMSYS 2024.
Chrome extension for labelling/accepting cookies banners
Self developed chrome extension that auto-detect pop-up cookie banner and accept/reject based on user preference.